Genealogy Gophers website
I recently discovered the "Genealogy Gophers" website ( and found it to be a very useful tool for my research. For instance, I recently entered my person of interest into their short Search tool (shown below) and immediately received literature hits. As an example, I did a search on my 4th great grandfather, Blount Countian John Key of the Longhollow community. One of the literature hits of interest was a Winter 1964 issue of Echoes of the East Tennessee Historical Society. A query by a member was searching for information on John Key. The interesting part of his query was a description the searcher gave on John's father, Andrew. There had been some speculation that Andrew and/or John Key were of Native American descent. The Echoes query adds to this speculation, describing Andrew as a “self-styled Tuchahoe Indian” and “was perhaps part Deleware.”
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