A search will be made by Society volunteers* of ONE SURNAME or ONE PERSON or a SINGLE ORGANIZATION** for one hour at the Blount County Public Library. Our Family Files (Genealogy) collection and the Will Parham genealogy collection at the Blount County Public Library are among the available resources. Your search must have a Blount county connection.
*Presently, a small volunteer group meets once a week to process requests and do other society business;
therefore, please be patient as we process your order.
**Organization can be a specific church, school, business, etc.
Mail Order Requests
The cost of a one-hour search is $20 (refundable if no information is found). Documents will be copied up to a maximum of 10 pages*** that will be delivered by email or US Postal Service. You can place an order here by sending your completed BCGHS Search form (MS Word) and a $20 check or money order to:
Blount County Genealogical and Historical Society
P. O. Box 4986
Maryville, TN 37802-4986
***you will be notified if additional pages are available.
Online Order Requests
Submit your research requests to the BCGHS using the form below. We require that all information inquiries include the requester's name and postal mailing address.
Our average staff research response time for most inquiries is 5-7 days. If fees apply, you will be contacted before the research is undertaken.
Disclaimer: The Blount County Genealogical and Historical Society will make a sincere effort to use the best and most reliable sources for a Search; however, we are not able to guarantee the accuracy of the copied materials. The Association of Professional Genealogists ( has a listing of professionals in the genealogy field that may assist you.
Copyright: The information copied is intended for personal use only and not for public publication. The requestor is responsible for compliance with current copyright law.
More information at