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Blount County Virtual Archives

Although the Society will not do genealogical research for individuals, our volunteers will spend up to one hour checking INDEXED sources for one ancestor of Blount County, Tennessee.  This may include birth, census, marriage, property, obituary, probate and cemetery records, if available.  The Family Files collection and the Will Parham genealogy collection at the Blount County Public Library are also among the available resources we will search.
An inquiry form from our website must be completed for your request to be considered.  The completed form can be submitted to the Society as an email attachment or can be mailed to the BCGHS office address:
Blount County Genealogical and Historical Society
P. O. Box 4986
Maryville, TN 37802-4986
There is a minimum fee of $20.00 for each completed inquiry, which will include up to ten photocopies or scans.  The fee will be payable upon notification from the Society office of the completed ancestor search.  Your $20.00 payment can be made by either PayPal/credit card on our website store or by sending a personal check to our mailing address (see above).
You may also request help from other members using our website forum at no charge.





Disclaimer: The Blount County Genealogical and Historical Society will make a sincere effort to use the best and most reliable sources for a Search; however, we are not able to guarantee the accuracy of the copied materials. The Association of Professional Genealogists ( has a listing of professionals in the genealogy field that may assist you.


Copyright: The information copied is intended for personal use only and not for public publication. The requestor is responsible for compliance More information at current copyright law.  

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